Sunday, May 9, 2010


The local grocery boutique was full of young dads with their toddlers, at first I thought this was cute, and then I felt I was getting a little hot under the collar. Before I start to complain about the fact that our hard work is only really celebrated one day a year, let me assure all those mommies who will stand by their men and let us know how good their husband is around the house - I get it. You love your husband. He is a good guy. I am not discounting this. . .but. . . oh yes there is a but, one day does not make up for all the double standards, constant guilt, raised up toilet seats (i live with all boys), on call 24 hours ( i am not a doctor) and so much more. Oh yeah, here is one - if you weren't so controlling, woman would be able to share more of the load. What about you can be anything you want to be as long as you can pick up the kids, make them a healthy meal, do their homework and put them to bed and then we can have a romantic evening. Paint the picture however you want, most of us will end this last statement by saying we are so blessed. Oh I forgot, you need to be in shape, look young and wear the latest styles. Don't get me wrong, I am being celebrated today, I received sweet gifts, crafty cards, good behavior, and supper will be made for me. I will be a suburban queen for the day. I too will cherish every moment of today and take full advantage. Tomorrow I will be on duty again. So picture this, I am upstairs in my jammies, under my warm and cosy duvet, watching 3 1/2 hours of Gone With The Wind - all hell is breaking loose downstairs and Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn. Happy Mothers Day!

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